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Your November Horoscope Will Affect You!

This month's transitional period comes with a life-changing decision: Accept change or stay the same. What will you choose?

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Meditation Advisor

This November, the karmic planets Rahu and Ketu transit through Cancer and Capricorn, respectively. Saturn will transit through Sagittarius, and Jupiter will continue its move in Libra.

Now is the time to pause and reevaluate your attitudes, goals, and priorities. You are in the middle of a major transition and likely to feel caught between the old and the new, which is why time may seem to be moving slowly. You may feel that you are in a state of suspended animation. This is a testing period and there is a lesson to be learned. Perhaps the time has come to give up the old and make way for the new? You to decide if you want to accept the change and look for new beginnings or leave things just as they have been.

Time spent to analyze these changes would certainly be worth it. It’s also a good opportunity to reconnect with the spiritual dimension of life. If this dilemma makes you worry excessively, so you may need to contact a higher power for divine help and support.



Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

Scorpio is the eighth sign of the zodiac and its symbol is the Scorpion. Scorpios have a youthful appearance, attractive eyes and a commanding nature. They are known to be an assertive kind of people who have the tendency to crush the obstacles that come in their way and move forward. A Scorpio possesses a sharp mind and wide variety of natural talents. They are full of energy and a desire to fulfill their wildest dreams. Mars provided Scorpio with a great number of qualities and characteristics to overpower life’s challenges and obstacles. That is why a Scorpio person loves taking risks and is not disheartened when the chance is lost. The Scorpio person has the capacity to rise again and be successful in life.

A Scorpio woman has a powerful and inquiring mind. She may look very gentle from the outside, but she is firm and strong from within. She will be self-sufficient and independent by nature. She can be secretive as she keeps her emotions to herself. However, she is a go-getter and that is why she is an achiever in her professional career. A Scorpio woman is inclined toward business as with her remarkable talents she is good in running companies.

A Scorpio male is fearless and a born adventurer. He will always aim high in life. That is why a Scorpio native holds a high position and status in society. A good thing about a Scorpio is that he does what he likes. He is quickly bored with routine and repetition. Such a person loves variety. There is no finish line for Scorpio. He can go miles ahead of others due to the extra valor, energy, and determination of Mars.

This November, you are likely to suffer from a feeling that your core competency and knowledge is outdated and that you are in danger of being overtaken. Your professional and personal problems are certain to ruin your mental peace this month. It would be in your best interest not to allow this to happen, otherwise, it may cost you dearly. You should try to keep calm and remain tension-free.

This month, there are indications that mental pressure will clout your ability to make sensible decisions and you will remain unsatisfied in romance. Although you will get support and help from your beloved, chances of not enjoying your beloved’s company are highly strong. It may be better if you take a time-out or plan a pleasure trip to bring fresh energy into the relationship. Moments spent together will not only revive the bond, but also help develop a deeper understanding and reduce worries and pressures that are troubling your mind.

Lucky Days – Sundays
Lucky Dates – 5, 12, 25
Lucky Gemstone – Ruby

Scorpio Celebrity: Bill Gates, Indira Gandhi, Prince Charles, Hillary Clinton, Charles Bronson, Hillary Clinton, Julia Roberts, Whoopi Goldberg, Demi Moore, Meg Ryan, Leonardo Dicaprio, Dolph Lundgren, Danny DeVito

Lucky Colors: Deep Red
Lucky Stones: Red Coral, Topaz
Best Professions/Fields: Cook/Chef, Surgeon, Military, Police, Firefighter
Body Parts: Sexual Organs
Good Points: Strong Willpower, Courageous, Confident, Honest
Bad Points: Secretive, Hasty, Violent, Ruthless, Suspicious and Intolerant
Soul Mates: Cancer, Pisces



Aries (March 21 to April 19)

With full moon in your sign, you will find an improvement in your health, which will allow you to enjoy outdoor events and functions. Your improved health will also help you develop self-confidence and morale that would enable you to work to your full potential. The good news for you is that your energy coupled with hard work will come to your aid, thus, enabling you to keep an edge over others. You are also likely to meet a special person who will attract you physically and mentally. It is most likely that you will fall in love with this person at very first sight. Falling in love may change your life forever as it increases your zest for life. To enjoy the company of your newly found beloved, plan a short, but pleasurable trip. This would give you the opportunity to know each other better so that you can take this relationship to a new level.

Lucky Days – Mondays
Lucky Dates – 2, 12, 22
Lucky Gemstone – Topaz


Taurus (April 20 to May 20)

This is the month of careful moves, where tensions will surface due to your unreasonable actions. This tension will take a toll on your health and may ruin your performance at work. The problem could be compounded by some challenging assignments. It is time for you to turn the tide in your favor by exhibiting your real talent and skills. Romance is also likely to suffer during this period. If you want to bring back maturity and excitement into your love life, then you will have to make some changes in your approach. For this, the first thing you need to do is to keep in mind that love—being the matter of the heart—isn’t bought by force, extravagant gifts, or passionate poetry. Instead, you need to let your partner know that you love him/her from the bottom of your heart either with a smile,  hug, or cheerful look. These will better convey your message than all the reams of passionate poetry and extravagant gifts. It is time for you to realize the importance of touch and affection that play a major part in this relationship.

Lucky Days – Wednesdays
Lucky Dates – 1, 16, 29
Lucky Gemstone – White Sapphire


Gemini (May 21 to June 20)

You are likely to face some tense moments at work. It may, therefore, be in your best interest to keep your self-confidence high and remain patient. This will not only enable you to stand your ground in the face of anxiety and tension, but also give you the necessary courage to face these kinds of challenges in the future. Health-related problems may arise in the middle of the month that may ruin your chances of spending happy moments with your beloved. You could feel that suddenly your relationship has gone sour and that you are drifting apart. Keep in mind that although things are not working very well at the moment, primarily due to bad health, you should not allow these things to create a permanent rift in your relationship. It will, therefore, require a tender handling on your part to sort out these differences. Without wasting any time, you should strive to bring back normalcy in your romance as early as possible.

Lucky Days – Saturdays
Lucky Dates – 6, 12, 24
Lucky Gemstone – Opal



Cancer (June 21 to July 22)

Much of your success professionally will depend on the cooperation received from colleagues. It would, therefore, be in your best interest to work in close harmony with them to enable yourself to bring desired results. At the same time, carefully plan some strategies to pave the way for success. Also, this November could see a sudden change in the behavior of your beloved. You may find your partner highly demanding, which could create some problems in your relationship. Do not surrender to emotional blackmailing from your beloved. You should remember that simple physical enjoyment will bring only lust and will definitely not be any good for the relationship as well. You should, therefore, restrain yourself from getting involved in something improper. Use your discretion and do not allow compromise in your relationship. Instead, try to make your beloved understand this and develop a healthy relationship to enjoy this emotional bond.

Lucky Days – Tuesdays
Lucky Dates – 5, 10, 15, 20
Lucky Gemstone – Coral

sonima-astro-leoLeo (July 23 to August 22)

This seems to be a good month professionally as you are able to sort out your long-pending problems with the help of colleagues. You will also find your seniors very supportive and, with their help, form new strategies. Their guidance would act like a guiding lamp for you, thus, enabling you to find solutions to your problems. However, it may be in your best interest if, at this occasion, you don’t neglect your subordinates and give an ear to them to enable yourself to find valuable suggestions. You will enjoy a bloom in your health as well. Excellent health will help you socialize and develop important contacts. Your jovial mood will lift the atmosphere around you and people will enjoy your company. Someone who is not your usual type will prove very interesting, and will attract your special attention. As cupid plays his magic charms on you, your infatuation turns into a romantic affair toward the end of the month and you will go out and celebrate this moment in style and gaiety.

Lucky Days – Sundays
Lucky Dates – 8, 17, 26
Lucky Gemstone – Ruby



Virgo (August 24 to September 22)

Be alert and careful at work this month. You are likely to face some problems on the professional front because of the unpredictable nature of your boss. There are chances that one moment he/she may be nice and caring, and the other, a towering rage. You should, therefore, not give this person any chance to complain. Keep in mind that a slight negligence on your part may not only invite this person’s ire, but also could affect your work. This November, you should behave wiser and think twice before your actions in love matters as well. You need to be practical and caring. Sometimes too much boldness and haste can bring dullness and bitterness, which may bring your romantic life to a standstill. You need to try to brighten the month with small gestures of love, which would bring some lovely moments with it. These small gestures may help strengthen your relationship to a new level.

Lucky Days – Mondays
Lucky Dates – 7, 19, 26
Lucky Gemstone – Red Coral



Libra (September 23 to October 22)

With the new moon in Libra, you may experience a strenuous schedule, professionally. There are indications that it could also give way to some testing times. It would, therefore, be best to prepare yourself to come out a winner. You will highly benefit from keeping your ambition in mind and supplementing it with hard work to bring desired results. Romance is likely to suffer, and it may be important for you to act more mature, otherwise, there are chances that suspicion or doubt will arise and put your love life in jeopardy. Talking will be important as well, which is healthy in a way. It helps you get to know each other better as well as clarify your own feelings. Also, thinking positive will help you look on the bright side. Indulging in any kind of negative feeling may not only depress you, but also create a rift in the relationship.

Lucky Days – Fridays
Lucky Dates – 3, 11, 19, 24
Lucky Gemstone – Pearl


Sagittarius (November 22 to December 21)

Your gullible nature could allow other people to easily take you for a ride. It would, therefore, be in your best interest to be cautious to avoid the situation. There are also indications that toward the end of the month, you may be lured by a new opportunity with a fat salary, more perks, and good working conditions. However, it would be beneficial to consider all pros and cons before grabbing this opportunity. Your hectic schedule this month will not only tire you, but also may cause you to suffer from little pains. You should, therefore, make exercise a part of your daily life. There’s a chance that this month your romantic life will remain dull and boring. Someone who you admire and love will not be as polite as you want. This is the time to show your care and respect and let the relationship grow on its own.

Lucky Days – Thursdays
Lucky Dates – 3, 11, 20, 27
Lucky Gemstone – Topaz


Capricorn (December 22 to January 19)

This month, there are indications that you might get a promotion near to the top hierarchy. However, there are also chances that you could refuse the offer as you realize that it would bring additional responsibilities with little rewards. Overall, your health will bloom during this period and your positive outlook toward life will bring you necessary gains. You are also likely to benefit when it comes to love. Past tensions will ease and you and your mate will be ready to make a new commitment and work toward a healthy relationship. New changes bring excitement, passion, and vitality into your relationship. You are likely to enjoy the purest feelings of love. You are more courageous and open to love during this period than ever before.

Lucky Days – Wednesdays
Lucky Dates – 2, 14, 29
Lucky Gemstone – Jade


Aquarius (January 20 to February 18)

There are indications that during the middle of the month, you may be crowned with an important position at your workplace. However, before grabbing the offer, it would be in your best interest to pay close attention toward advancing your skills. It would be highly beneficial if you were to strive to be a good communicator and natural negotiator, which will enable your to tackle the pressures of a highly responsible position. Your romantic life, however, is likely to take some twists and turns as most of the time you will miss the company of your beloved. Don’t get disappointed because it will be a blessing in disguise as it allows you to realize how dearly you love each other. It may be good for you to use this short absence to your advantage, letting your love to grow fonder and stronger.

Lucky Days – Saturdays
Lucky Dates –8, 17, 25
Lucky Gemstone – Blue Sapphire


Pisces (February 19 to March 20)

Tensions and stress will force you to take drastic steps this month. You need to keep in mind that working under stress and tensions could easily backfire. Therefore,  restrain yourself from making any hasty decisions. You also have to be little careful in your romantic affairs, especially in the middle of the month. There are chances that your rude behavior could create some rifts in the relationship. It would require a desperate and timely action on your part to control the situation. It may also be good for the future of your affair if you bring understanding and a caring attitude. This will not only infuse new life in your affair, but also enable you to enjoy it. One thing you should always keep in mind is that love—being a matter of heart—doesn’t respond to arrogance and rudeness. So don’t allow these to creep in your romantic life at any costs.

Lucky Days – Mondays
Lucky Dates – 6, 15, 22, 30
Lucky Gemstone – Moon Stone


>>For a private session with Sanjeev Verma, the meditation master, life coach, spiritual master and Vedic astrologer, visit or call +1-519-721-1234.




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