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The Active Series: New Book From Sharath Jois Is Now Available

Discover the new series designed by Sharathji to bring the profound benefits of Ashtanga Yoga to an expanded audience.

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Teacher Training for the Active Series

First two training sessions announced for SYC Authorized and Certified Teachers

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Vaikunta Samaradhane service for R. Sharath Jois

Paramaguru Sharath Jois’s sudden passing on November 12 was a tremendous loss—for his family, his students, and the Ashtanga community overall. Sharathji was a bright light in the world who inspired thousands and helped…

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The Passing of Paramaguru Sharath Jois

It is with great sadness that we share the news of Paramaguru Sharath Jois’s sudden passing, on Monday November 11th. Sharathji was a great leader and a bright light in the world who inspired…

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Online Ashtanga Yoga Led Primary Series With Andrew Hillam

Join our Friday livestream 85-minute class led by Sonima’s yoga advisor and leading Ashtanga expert.

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10 Niyamas: Personal Observances to Deepen Your Yoga Practice

These ancient guidelines help you connect with your soul and enrich your yoga journey.

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Yoga Yamas: 6 Additional Yamas to Deepen Your Yoga Practice

These guidelines help take your yoga beyond the physical aspects, building an even stronger foundation for all the benefits yoga offers.

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Pratipaksha-bhāvana: Overcoming Negative Thinking

Doubt, uncertainty, and negativity can hinder our efforts to follow the path of yoga. Patanjali guides us to cultivate an opposite mental attitude to overcome these obstacles.

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Following the Energy of the Guru

Just as our teachers impart their knowledge on us, we too share their energy and, with it, can support the practice of our fellow yoga students.

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Why Nothing Compares to Paramaguru Sharath Jois’s 2019 U.S. Tour

Practicing Ashtanga yoga solo or with a dedicated teacher has many benefits. But receiving the practice from the source is like nothing else.

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The Benefits of Practicing the Ashtanga Yoga Mysore Method

This powerful method of yoga allows for supported self-discovery and progression of your practice.

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My Life As an Ashtanga Student in Mysore: Healing Back Pain with Yoga

It would have been easy to blame bendy asanas for causing the pain in the first place. But instead, this writer leaned into her practice to find a solution that doctors couldn't.

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My Life As an Ashtanga Student in Mysore: The Essence of Seeking Consciousness

In this essay series, advanced Ashtanga practitioner and writer Leslie Hendry explains why her many trips to India were never just a vacation.

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The Love for the Guru’s Lotus Feet

A deep inquiry into the opening mantra to help understand why touching your guru's feet is much more than a symbol of respect.

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Embracing and Overcoming Obstacles in Yoga

The true path of yoga is a transformative process. Learn to expect obstacles so that you can overcome, rather than be derailed by, them and continue your progress.

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