Sūryanamaskāra A is the foundation for the Aṣṭāṅga yoga method and always begins each practice.
Once you've completed Sūryanamaskāra A, continue to Sūryanamaskāra B with the help of yoga master Sharath Jois.
In this video tutorial, yoga master Sharath Jois will teach you two deep forward folds.
In this video tutorial, yoga master Sharath Jois describes how to perform Trikoṇāsana, commonly known as triangle pose, and its twisting variation.
Utthita Parśvakoṇāsana A & B are challenging standing poses. Here, yoga master Sharath Jois shows you how to practice these deep-grounding postures.
In this video, yoga master Sharath Jois demonstrates how to enter and exit Prasārita Padottānāsana A.
In this video, yoga master Sharath Jois will show you how to get into—and come out—of this intense forward fold.
In this video, yoga master Sharath Jois teaches the third variation of this deep forward fold that also provides a nice shoulder opener.
Yoga master Sharath Jois explains Prasārita Pādottānāsana D, the final of the four variations of this deep forward fold.
In this video, yoga master Sharath Jois demonstrates Pārśvottānāsana, which strengthens the waist and prepares you for subsequent postures.
In this video tutorial, yoga master Sharath Jois will teach you how to use your breath to focus the mind and find stillness in this challenging pose.
Follow yoga master Sharath Jois as he leads you through this challenging standing forward bend with one foot in half lotus.
Overcome the difficulties of this challenging posture with insights from yoga master Sharath Jois.
In this video tutorial led by Sharath Jois, learn the fundamentals of these two key standing postures.
Experience the full expression of this classic forward bend with yoga master Sharath Jois.